Welcome to The Functional Healthcare Program at Beecher Chiropractic & Wellness Center. This program is over 25 years in the making. The purpose of everything we will be doing is to get to the root cause of why your body is acting the way that it is, listen to it, and give it what it is asking for. The journey you are about to begin is not an easy one. This program is not for everyone. You will be required to make changes in your life. You have scheduled your appointment with us because you are not perfectly well and are looking for answers. As you will note while filling out the enclosed paperwork, this is different. We are looking for answers to questions about your health and how you came to the place where you called and scheduled with us. If we repeat the same tests and treatments you have had in the past you will get the same results. Again, this is not easy, but it may be life changing.
Our first visit will be an hour or sometimes longer and will cover a variety of topics. Between visits you will have "homework". You will have access to our office for private messages and communication with us. The program is everyday dietary, lifestyle, & supplement protocols. That is why we are available when you need us. Patients should expect to make these changes for a while, some permanently. Although there are never guarantees in health care, we promise to give you everything we have to get you well. Before your first visit, we ask that you complete the enclosed paperwork and bring it with you(or submit it online) on your first visit. We also ask that you obtain any past medical testing you have had performed, i.e. Blood tests, MRI, EMG, etc. We do not need doctors daily notes, just test results.
Our first visit is split into two days. Together we will review your illness and life timeline to this point. We will gather as much information as possible on the first visit. Following this visit, we will organize all the information gathered and schedule you a follow up consultation. During the second half of the first visit, we will give you any testing kits necessary, discuss our working idea's, and begin changes. Expect to schedule a follow up visit after all test results are received, or after a few weeks to evaluate progress.
Online Visits are different. To save time and money, we will do as much before hand as possible. Please have your application and past medical history/labwork sent to either our fax (614-855-5566) or our email (drjoe@beecherchiro.net) prior to our visit. Billing is simple and completed together over the phone. We want to remove financial concerns so we can focus solely on you and your recovery.
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